2 Corinthians 5:5 He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee (ESV)
God has not left his creation fallen. Although we suffer the consequences of our rebellion, God is still the same God, never changing in his character or attributes. God has provided us a way out, the only way, his Son Jesus Christ. And in that way out, he has assured us with the guarantee of his Holy Spirit. “In him (Christ) you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory” (Eph 1:12-13).This word guarantee can also be translated down payment. Although at this time we cannot receive the full payment, or our heavenly dwelling, we have received the Holy Spirit as a down payment. A gesture that God has not left us, but has imparted to us a guarantee, that we might live in the faith that he is faithful to carry out all of his promises.
I think of a homeowner and the process within of purchasing a home. Usually there is a down payment given to the lender, who then entrusts you with the home under the agreement that the buyer is to then faithfully pay off the remaining debt. I don’t know if this is backwards, but we can think of God in this situation as the buyer. Who has given us a down payment of his indwelling Spirit, as a sign of commitment, faithfulness and a hope to the lender that one day he will pour out the fullness of our eternal dwelling. I think of the time we accept Christ as our down payment from God, when we are sealed with the indwelling Spirit. But from there we receive installments, or payments until the final payment is received. This time in-between is what would call walking out your faith. As a believer one day we will receive the final reward, but our time spent until then is in our hands. God has given us responsibility in his sovereignty, and we must act in a manner worthy to calling which he has placed before us.
So lets talk about the payments, you might choose monthly, some may prefer weekly payments or maybe you want to live “according to the riches of his glory”, and choose to receive daily payments, the choice is yours. The amount we receive in-between the down payment and the final purchase is unlimited. God is eternal, he is one buyer who is not limited by the confines of man, for he is our Creator and owner of all within. God is waiting to give, “if you then who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him” (Luke 11:13). We are told to “ask and it will be given” (Luke 11:9), what will be given? The Holy Spirit will be given. Then you might wonder, we were already given the Holy Spirit, right? That is right we are given the Holy Spirit upon acceptance of Christ. But we see there is a continual empowerment, or as Eph 5:18 says to be “filled”, in the progressive tense, thus a continual filling [Please refer to my chain reference of the Holy Spirit].
We are to daily ask for an empowerment of the Holy Spirit, although he is always dwelling within, we can fall back into our fleshly nature. Just as the disciples in (John 21:1-3), went back to what they knew and they were fruitless, yet they had the indwelling Spirit. Jesus had not yet presented the idea of the baptism of the Spirit, (Acts 1:4-5). Which shortly after the baptism we see the fruits of this empowerment (Acts 2:14-41) compared to the fruits of the indwelling Spirit.
So it comes down to this, we can choose to live the comfortable life, asking God for his empowerment every Sunday at church, or maybe its once a month, or maybe its on Easter and Christmas. God is simply waiting for his children to ask. But this requires a death to self, it can be uncomfortable at times, we may suffer, we may receive persecution, but consider it blessed. Don’t settle for the down payment, when there is an unlimited source willing to pay you daily until the final purchase. Pay me how you ask?
“For this reason I bow my knees before the father, from whom every family in heaven an on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:14-19). Paul understood through the Spirit of God we have the ability to understand the fullness of God. So Paul prayed for this spiritual strengthening, he did not stop upon receiving the Spirit. He daily asked, knocked and sought to be filled with all understanding. The Lord did not withhold in the life of Paul, he daily saw the fullness of God at work in his life. I take this as great insight into the spiritual life of Paul. In my opinion, prayer is one of the hardest aspects of the Christian faith, and is commonly non existent in some walks. But Paul, the author of most of the New Testament, impacted the Christian faith greatly, in his time and for all time to come. He was a man who would fall to his knees for a spiritual strengthening, one that he knew could only be obtained through prayer.
Today I will pray for spiritual strengthening as I go throughout my day.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Do Something About It
2 Corinthians 5:4 For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened- not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life (ESV)
This verse in a sense builds upon verse three, being that it is in direct relation to our natural desire to be unclothed. We have tried to fill this desire by revealing our bodies for the world to see, and yet somehow we are more empty in this state of nakedness. Corruption has defiled the natural beauty of Gods creation, so now we seek to cover up what is mortal. We cover what is mortal with the things the world has to offer. Thinking that maybe the next thing we clothe ourselves with will be what allows us to escape the reality of our decaying flesh. Yet one thing remains, although our clothing may change, although we may enhance our fleshly bodies, beneath it all is still a rotting flesh doomed to return to dust. “For you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19).
We try and escape the reality of the mortality of man through an emotional high. But no man has the power to overcome death, for only one has this power. Christ will destroy “every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death” (1 Cor. 15:24-26). The only way to escape this reality is through Jesus Christ and His resurrection. “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor 15:22). Even then we choose we toil for the impossible. All is in vain out side of Jesus Christ. For even if you are currently living, your living for death. If your living your best life now, I pray for you, because let me tell you, we live in a lost world. To live everyday like its your last only has meaning if your living it for Christ. To make an impact for the kingdom of God, clothe yourself with eternal life and then you will be like the Apostle Paul, who “learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”
Paul’s contentment though did not mean that he was not still groaning for immortality. For he says, “My desire is to depart and to be with Christ, for that is far better off” (Philippians 1:23). Although Paul groaned because he knew where he was going, he knew that once he left this earthly body he would be in heavenly dwelling. We also see though, he understood that because of where he long to go, that meant he had a reason to spend his God given time on earth. “But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith” (Philippians 1:24-25). Paul has clothed himself in the interest of others. The only true meaning of an eternal joy. What can be more eternal then a soul spent in the presence of Christ. So we groan for a life outside of our mortal bodies, but we grow content through the hope a heavenly dwelling.
I know my flesh is reigning in my life. Today I will spend 30 minutes devoted to talking with God in prayer.
This verse in a sense builds upon verse three, being that it is in direct relation to our natural desire to be unclothed. We have tried to fill this desire by revealing our bodies for the world to see, and yet somehow we are more empty in this state of nakedness. Corruption has defiled the natural beauty of Gods creation, so now we seek to cover up what is mortal. We cover what is mortal with the things the world has to offer. Thinking that maybe the next thing we clothe ourselves with will be what allows us to escape the reality of our decaying flesh. Yet one thing remains, although our clothing may change, although we may enhance our fleshly bodies, beneath it all is still a rotting flesh doomed to return to dust. “For you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19).
We try and escape the reality of the mortality of man through an emotional high. But no man has the power to overcome death, for only one has this power. Christ will destroy “every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death” (1 Cor. 15:24-26). The only way to escape this reality is through Jesus Christ and His resurrection. “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor 15:22). Even then we choose we toil for the impossible. All is in vain out side of Jesus Christ. For even if you are currently living, your living for death. If your living your best life now, I pray for you, because let me tell you, we live in a lost world. To live everyday like its your last only has meaning if your living it for Christ. To make an impact for the kingdom of God, clothe yourself with eternal life and then you will be like the Apostle Paul, who “learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”
Paul’s contentment though did not mean that he was not still groaning for immortality. For he says, “My desire is to depart and to be with Christ, for that is far better off” (Philippians 1:23). Although Paul groaned because he knew where he was going, he knew that once he left this earthly body he would be in heavenly dwelling. We also see though, he understood that because of where he long to go, that meant he had a reason to spend his God given time on earth. “But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith” (Philippians 1:24-25). Paul has clothed himself in the interest of others. The only true meaning of an eternal joy. What can be more eternal then a soul spent in the presence of Christ. So we groan for a life outside of our mortal bodies, but we grow content through the hope a heavenly dwelling.
I know my flesh is reigning in my life. Today I will spend 30 minutes devoted to talking with God in prayer.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
2 Corinthians 5:3 if indeed by putting it on we may not be found naked (ESV)
We know that at one point in time man was naked yet did not realize his nakedness. Sin had not yet corrupted the view of Gods creation. Once Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed, “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” (Gen 2:25). But once sin entered into the earth, “the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.” (Gen 3:7). I do believe being that we were created naked, and it was a natural thing, of our nature, that our souls remember what it was like to be naked. Unashamed of the way God has created us. But when sin entered into the earth, I believe nakedness was to holy and pure of a thing to be in the presence of sin.
Being that we long for that nakedness, for our intended way of living, we search to fill that void. The nakedness of the human body is something that was intended to be pure, but now it has become corrupted. We want that nakedness, but yet we don’t know how to handle it. The purity of it has no place amongst the corrupt flesh that we now live in. We were created to be eternal, but the flesh is now rotting. We are ashamed of our rotting flesh, confused, thinking that revealing our bodies for others to see will bring us satisfaction. But nakedness was not meant for self-glorification, for what place would self glorification have among a creation that was intended to bring God glory. “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isa 43:7).
We have taken the nature, the beauty of God and his creation, and turned a pure and beautiful sight into a snare that binds many to the brokenness of the flesh. We idol the nakedness of one another, but this is not what God intended for us to do. “For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and of the eyes and pride in possessions-is not from the Father but is from the world” (1 John 2:16). We have began to possess our nakedness, taking what was intended to be about the Creator and made it about the creation. When we think that we possess the ability to freely do with our body as we please, this is not a right that we have been given. We have been given the freedom but that does not mean that it is right. “ ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor” (1 Cor. 10:23-24). Being that we are scared by sin, the fall and the corruption within, we can not handle the nakedness of one another while yet being sanctified.
So we should take into consideration the natural desire we have for the nakedness of another, mixed with our current corrupt state, and the lusts of the flesh within. Our nature tells us its ok but yet our flesh can not handle it rightly, so we are at war within. A daily battle we must face to keep the flesh starved and still live with the natural desire. So we know the best thing to do is to clothe our flesh in a modest way. That might not cause another to stumble. When you share this nakedness for the rest of the world to see, it’s a disgrace. Our nakedness on this earth at this point has only one intended place, and that is to be in our marriage, shared with our God given wife or husband. Where we can then control our natural desires in a way that brings glory to God, even amongst a sinful generation. “Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. Should your springs be scattered abroad, streams of water in the streets? Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love. Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress? For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths. The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is held fast in the cords of his sin” (Prov 5:15-22).
And for the one who exercises nakedness outside of marriage shall share in the humiliation of Babylon, “Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, o daughter of the Chaldeans! For you shall no more be called tender and delicate. Take the millstones and grind flour, put off your veil, strip off your robe, uncover your legs, pass through the rivers. Your nakedness shall be uncovered, and your disgrace shall be seen. I will take vengeance, and I will spare no one” (Isa 47:1-3).
We know that at one point in time man was naked yet did not realize his nakedness. Sin had not yet corrupted the view of Gods creation. Once Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed, “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” (Gen 2:25). But once sin entered into the earth, “the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.” (Gen 3:7). I do believe being that we were created naked, and it was a natural thing, of our nature, that our souls remember what it was like to be naked. Unashamed of the way God has created us. But when sin entered into the earth, I believe nakedness was to holy and pure of a thing to be in the presence of sin.
Being that we long for that nakedness, for our intended way of living, we search to fill that void. The nakedness of the human body is something that was intended to be pure, but now it has become corrupted. We want that nakedness, but yet we don’t know how to handle it. The purity of it has no place amongst the corrupt flesh that we now live in. We were created to be eternal, but the flesh is now rotting. We are ashamed of our rotting flesh, confused, thinking that revealing our bodies for others to see will bring us satisfaction. But nakedness was not meant for self-glorification, for what place would self glorification have among a creation that was intended to bring God glory. “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isa 43:7).
We have taken the nature, the beauty of God and his creation, and turned a pure and beautiful sight into a snare that binds many to the brokenness of the flesh. We idol the nakedness of one another, but this is not what God intended for us to do. “For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and of the eyes and pride in possessions-is not from the Father but is from the world” (1 John 2:16). We have began to possess our nakedness, taking what was intended to be about the Creator and made it about the creation. When we think that we possess the ability to freely do with our body as we please, this is not a right that we have been given. We have been given the freedom but that does not mean that it is right. “ ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor” (1 Cor. 10:23-24). Being that we are scared by sin, the fall and the corruption within, we can not handle the nakedness of one another while yet being sanctified.
So we should take into consideration the natural desire we have for the nakedness of another, mixed with our current corrupt state, and the lusts of the flesh within. Our nature tells us its ok but yet our flesh can not handle it rightly, so we are at war within. A daily battle we must face to keep the flesh starved and still live with the natural desire. So we know the best thing to do is to clothe our flesh in a modest way. That might not cause another to stumble. When you share this nakedness for the rest of the world to see, it’s a disgrace. Our nakedness on this earth at this point has only one intended place, and that is to be in our marriage, shared with our God given wife or husband. Where we can then control our natural desires in a way that brings glory to God, even amongst a sinful generation. “Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. Should your springs be scattered abroad, streams of water in the streets? Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love. Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress? For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths. The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is held fast in the cords of his sin” (Prov 5:15-22).
And for the one who exercises nakedness outside of marriage shall share in the humiliation of Babylon, “Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, o daughter of the Chaldeans! For you shall no more be called tender and delicate. Take the millstones and grind flour, put off your veil, strip off your robe, uncover your legs, pass through the rivers. Your nakedness shall be uncovered, and your disgrace shall be seen. I will take vengeance, and I will spare no one” (Isa 47:1-3).
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Is There Any Hope?
2 Corinthians 5:2 For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling (ESV)
There is something in the way we are created that longs to be in the presence of God. Our nature remembers and longs for the time when man once was in His presence, as was our intended function the beginning of time. Since the fall we have been in a constant longing for that presence. We try to fill this longing with pleasure and lustful desires. And yet we have failed to fill it, the very things we already posses aren’t doing it. So what do we do? We think maybe if we had more of what we already have then we would be happy. So we toil for more. More wealth, more materials, more relationships, more sex, more drugs, more status and more fame. This vicious cycle is best described in the proverb, “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give and only suffers want.” The more we have the more we want. There is nothing this world has to offer that will satisfy our want.
Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy for an eternity. But yet even when we have Christ in our life we are still groaning for his presence. This is because, even at our closet moment to Christ, in our earthly flesh, we are still not completely filled. Today we are given more then enough peace in God through his word and comfort through his spirit to be at rest in our relationship with Christ. But, once we realize that here on earth, we will always be groaning, because it isn’t until we are in heaven, in our eternal dwelling place, we will not know the full satisfaction of being in the presence of God. We will not get this in the flesh, but we struggle and groan today because we long for this.
Once we realize the fact that Christ in our life today is enough, and that we will never fully make sense of eternal satisfaction until we stand in the presence of God, we can press on. This will free you from a lifetime of confusion, frustration, toil, fear and anxieties. If your hope is in the world to take this groaning away, you’re a long ways from finding satisfaction. So what will take the groaning away, well I would have to say until heaven nothing. But God has not left us until then, he will empower us, fill us with his wisdom, knowledge and understanding, comfort us and guide us. Or as Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” God provides for all our needs, who assures us and has replaced our spirit of fear with his Spirit of love, that we might trust him and follow his voice. He leads us into a place of peace and rest. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus. For God is in the business of restoring souls, fixing the broken hearted. And he leads us in the right way, a path that will bring Glory to his name and in turn will give meaning and purpose to our life. Because if we are glorifying the Lord, we are in his will, thus we are operating as he created us to, thus this is where we find the most meaning, purpose and satisfaction for this life now.
I know there are things that are holding me back from serving God. Instead of struggling through these things I will seek God for his proper balance, knowing that daily I am dependent on his Spirit.
There is something in the way we are created that longs to be in the presence of God. Our nature remembers and longs for the time when man once was in His presence, as was our intended function the beginning of time. Since the fall we have been in a constant longing for that presence. We try to fill this longing with pleasure and lustful desires. And yet we have failed to fill it, the very things we already posses aren’t doing it. So what do we do? We think maybe if we had more of what we already have then we would be happy. So we toil for more. More wealth, more materials, more relationships, more sex, more drugs, more status and more fame. This vicious cycle is best described in the proverb, “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give and only suffers want.” The more we have the more we want. There is nothing this world has to offer that will satisfy our want.
Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy for an eternity. But yet even when we have Christ in our life we are still groaning for his presence. This is because, even at our closet moment to Christ, in our earthly flesh, we are still not completely filled. Today we are given more then enough peace in God through his word and comfort through his spirit to be at rest in our relationship with Christ. But, once we realize that here on earth, we will always be groaning, because it isn’t until we are in heaven, in our eternal dwelling place, we will not know the full satisfaction of being in the presence of God. We will not get this in the flesh, but we struggle and groan today because we long for this.
Once we realize the fact that Christ in our life today is enough, and that we will never fully make sense of eternal satisfaction until we stand in the presence of God, we can press on. This will free you from a lifetime of confusion, frustration, toil, fear and anxieties. If your hope is in the world to take this groaning away, you’re a long ways from finding satisfaction. So what will take the groaning away, well I would have to say until heaven nothing. But God has not left us until then, he will empower us, fill us with his wisdom, knowledge and understanding, comfort us and guide us. Or as Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” God provides for all our needs, who assures us and has replaced our spirit of fear with his Spirit of love, that we might trust him and follow his voice. He leads us into a place of peace and rest. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus. For God is in the business of restoring souls, fixing the broken hearted. And he leads us in the right way, a path that will bring Glory to his name and in turn will give meaning and purpose to our life. Because if we are glorifying the Lord, we are in his will, thus we are operating as he created us to, thus this is where we find the most meaning, purpose and satisfaction for this life now.
I know there are things that are holding me back from serving God. Instead of struggling through these things I will seek God for his proper balance, knowing that daily I am dependent on his Spirit.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Home Owners Insurance?
2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. (ESV)
I think first thing to note in this section is that the author Paul, was a tentmaker. Acts 18:3, “and because he was of the same trade he stayed with them and worked, for they were tentmakers by trade.” If anyone knew a thing or two about tents, it was the apostle Paul. I love how he uses such a personal illustration to explain our heavenly dwelling. Every time I take a closer look at the life of Paul there is a reoccurring theme. This is his eternal perspective, he’s always reminding me that our toil here on this earth is not for our personal gain. That truly what we do on earth is for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God. For our hope of an eternity spent with the Father. Paul puts things in a perspective that calls for the earthly value of possessions to diminish.
I think about Paul, and his profession as a tentmaker. I know God has fashioned this into his life that it might become a key role in his ministry. Being a tentmaker he could easily travel and continue his work no matter where he went. This was a trade that he could travel with and still be effective in producing work. Not only that but what an opportunity to witness. We know his view on a tent from this section of scripture right here. That it was simply a shelter built by man, to last for a season. If anyone knew the vanity of a tent for a home it was Paul. Who must have built several tents to live in for a short time, and then left them behind or possibly brought them along to be reused at another location. Paul knew that man could not build an eternal home to dwell in. As a master builder, he knew it was not possible. And with an eternal perspective, and a pertinent relationship with Jesus Christ, he knew the Father was the only one who could set up an eternal dwelling place.
It gives me chills to think about the ministry that took place as Paul built tents for people to dwell in. I wonder if he sold them homeowners insurance. I bet if there was such a thing back then, he would have said along with this tent comes an eternal dwelling. At this point, I’m sure he would have been laughed at. But what an opportunity, to bring life into perspective. Because now is where he explains, if you accept the home owners insurance (the Gospel), that I am about to give you, oh and by the I forgot to mention its free, then you will have a place to dwell for an eternity. What a perfect time to introduce someone to the idea of eternal life spent with God the Father. “A house not made with hands,” but “eternal in the heavens.” As a person seeking home insurance, they are also seeking some sense of security. A peace about the purchase, knowing that whatever comes there way, be it natural disaster, or you name it, they are guaranteed this home. This comes with an agreement to the policy.
It’s a direct illustration to the Gospel. You see we must agree to the good news presented to us. That we are sinners, in need of a savior, doomed for death. That Jesus Christ is God, has come to die for our sins and whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. If we accept this, what I like to call life insurance policy, it comes with free home owners insurance as well. When we agree to this policy, we have just purchased our dwelling place for eternity, in the presence and glory of God the Father. Upon acceptance we begin to sense security and peace about our decision. The spirit imparts to us assurance, a copy of the agreement, that what was stated is final, it will not change regardless of circumstances. Gods word is kind of like the agreement copy, what is written has been and always will be. Never changing, an everlasting covenant to its reader and purchaser. That might be called upon in time of trouble and put things back into perspective. The peace from an eternal security is then remembered, that we have no reason to fear. For we have purchased a safeguard, to deliver us in the time of need.
I am convicted of doing the Lords work yet I am not presenting salvation or witnessing to those I come in contact with. I will take time today to be more aware of my surroundings, or as Paul says in Colossians, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.”
I think first thing to note in this section is that the author Paul, was a tentmaker. Acts 18:3, “and because he was of the same trade he stayed with them and worked, for they were tentmakers by trade.” If anyone knew a thing or two about tents, it was the apostle Paul. I love how he uses such a personal illustration to explain our heavenly dwelling. Every time I take a closer look at the life of Paul there is a reoccurring theme. This is his eternal perspective, he’s always reminding me that our toil here on this earth is not for our personal gain. That truly what we do on earth is for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God. For our hope of an eternity spent with the Father. Paul puts things in a perspective that calls for the earthly value of possessions to diminish.
I think about Paul, and his profession as a tentmaker. I know God has fashioned this into his life that it might become a key role in his ministry. Being a tentmaker he could easily travel and continue his work no matter where he went. This was a trade that he could travel with and still be effective in producing work. Not only that but what an opportunity to witness. We know his view on a tent from this section of scripture right here. That it was simply a shelter built by man, to last for a season. If anyone knew the vanity of a tent for a home it was Paul. Who must have built several tents to live in for a short time, and then left them behind or possibly brought them along to be reused at another location. Paul knew that man could not build an eternal home to dwell in. As a master builder, he knew it was not possible. And with an eternal perspective, and a pertinent relationship with Jesus Christ, he knew the Father was the only one who could set up an eternal dwelling place.
It gives me chills to think about the ministry that took place as Paul built tents for people to dwell in. I wonder if he sold them homeowners insurance. I bet if there was such a thing back then, he would have said along with this tent comes an eternal dwelling. At this point, I’m sure he would have been laughed at. But what an opportunity, to bring life into perspective. Because now is where he explains, if you accept the home owners insurance (the Gospel), that I am about to give you, oh and by the I forgot to mention its free, then you will have a place to dwell for an eternity. What a perfect time to introduce someone to the idea of eternal life spent with God the Father. “A house not made with hands,” but “eternal in the heavens.” As a person seeking home insurance, they are also seeking some sense of security. A peace about the purchase, knowing that whatever comes there way, be it natural disaster, or you name it, they are guaranteed this home. This comes with an agreement to the policy.
It’s a direct illustration to the Gospel. You see we must agree to the good news presented to us. That we are sinners, in need of a savior, doomed for death. That Jesus Christ is God, has come to die for our sins and whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. If we accept this, what I like to call life insurance policy, it comes with free home owners insurance as well. When we agree to this policy, we have just purchased our dwelling place for eternity, in the presence and glory of God the Father. Upon acceptance we begin to sense security and peace about our decision. The spirit imparts to us assurance, a copy of the agreement, that what was stated is final, it will not change regardless of circumstances. Gods word is kind of like the agreement copy, what is written has been and always will be. Never changing, an everlasting covenant to its reader and purchaser. That might be called upon in time of trouble and put things back into perspective. The peace from an eternal security is then remembered, that we have no reason to fear. For we have purchased a safeguard, to deliver us in the time of need.
I am convicted of doing the Lords work yet I am not presenting salvation or witnessing to those I come in contact with. I will take time today to be more aware of my surroundings, or as Paul says in Colossians, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.”
Monday, May 21, 2012
It Just got Personal!
John 3:3 Jesus answered him, truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God (ESV)
We know that Jesus is eluding to the fact one must die to self and accept Christ as their personal savior. Unless we are born again in such a way then we will not see the things of God the way they were intended to be seen. Jesus by the response knew that Nicodemus in all his knowledge had missed the most important element to the Christian faith. Without this second birth, we are but rotting flesh doomed to an eternal damnation. Although Nicodemus was sure he knew the things of God he did not have God within his heart. Knowledge and relationship are a balance that must be present, because without the relationship the knowledge will be to our determent. The love of the Law that the Pharisees had held them back from accepting the blood of Christ in their lives. For to them Christ broke the law, they accused him of blaspheming the name of God. They were driven so by the law in a way that they were blind to the words of God. The law was instituted for the purpose of drawing man back to Christ. For apart from the law, we are free from sin, free from death. But under the law, we are bound by sin, and doomed for death. But “now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code.” The Pharisees could not make sense of what Paul realized, “the very commandment that promised life proved to be death to me.”
We know that Jesus is eluding to the fact one must die to self and accept Christ as their personal savior. Unless we are born again in such a way then we will not see the things of God the way they were intended to be seen. Jesus by the response knew that Nicodemus in all his knowledge had missed the most important element to the Christian faith. Without this second birth, we are but rotting flesh doomed to an eternal damnation. Although Nicodemus was sure he knew the things of God he did not have God within his heart. Knowledge and relationship are a balance that must be present, because without the relationship the knowledge will be to our determent. The love of the Law that the Pharisees had held them back from accepting the blood of Christ in their lives. For to them Christ broke the law, they accused him of blaspheming the name of God. They were driven so by the law in a way that they were blind to the words of God. The law was instituted for the purpose of drawing man back to Christ. For apart from the law, we are free from sin, free from death. But under the law, we are bound by sin, and doomed for death. But “now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code.” The Pharisees could not make sense of what Paul realized, “the very commandment that promised life proved to be death to me.”
To See is to Believe?
John 3:2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” (ESV)
I think the key word in this verse is know. If this word said believe instead I think the meaning of this verse would change completely. How often can we know something to be the truth, yet we don’t actually believe it. By believe it I mean acting it out in a way that would show your belief of the matter. I once knew of God, knowing the truth that he was the creator of the earth. But I did not believe it enough to act on it, or to allow it to change my life. To be my worldview, my perspective my world belief. I think we see a stark difference in simply knowing the truth and in believing the truth to the point of applying it to your life.
Once I allowed the belief to become a reality is when it became personal. When what I knew, became what I believed, which became the way I lived my life. But the knowledge of God was not enough. There was a missing element, the element that can only be found through a personal relationship. Some say to see is to believe. But I think to believe is to see. This is why; what’s going on around is always the same. For our God is never changing, constant in his character, attributes, and master physician. But my belief will change the way I see what takes place. For a room full of people could see the same thing. Yet when asked what they just saw you would get several different takes on the situation. This diversity comes from worldview that has been engrained into the very logic and thinking of that person. When the bible is our worldview, when we put on the lenses of Gods word, then what we know, is what we believe, which in turn creates what we see. Or should I say how we see, for regardless we all see the same thing, but the response is where we find a difference.
We can look at the Pharisees for example, or Nicodemus, whose source for view was the scriptures. Although this was a source of knowledge, not of application. The personal aspect of a God centered relationship was missing. The law was his motivation, not the spirit within. His worldview was one that hindered him from being able to accept the truth. For he knew Jesus was from God, only he did not equate the signs of Jesus to the Messiah, for his worldview was one of conquering Messiah. Not one of a suffering Messiah. So my point here is knowledge is in vain without a proper perspective and worldview inspired by application of the bible.
I think the key word in this verse is know. If this word said believe instead I think the meaning of this verse would change completely. How often can we know something to be the truth, yet we don’t actually believe it. By believe it I mean acting it out in a way that would show your belief of the matter. I once knew of God, knowing the truth that he was the creator of the earth. But I did not believe it enough to act on it, or to allow it to change my life. To be my worldview, my perspective my world belief. I think we see a stark difference in simply knowing the truth and in believing the truth to the point of applying it to your life.
Once I allowed the belief to become a reality is when it became personal. When what I knew, became what I believed, which became the way I lived my life. But the knowledge of God was not enough. There was a missing element, the element that can only be found through a personal relationship. Some say to see is to believe. But I think to believe is to see. This is why; what’s going on around is always the same. For our God is never changing, constant in his character, attributes, and master physician. But my belief will change the way I see what takes place. For a room full of people could see the same thing. Yet when asked what they just saw you would get several different takes on the situation. This diversity comes from worldview that has been engrained into the very logic and thinking of that person. When the bible is our worldview, when we put on the lenses of Gods word, then what we know, is what we believe, which in turn creates what we see. Or should I say how we see, for regardless we all see the same thing, but the response is where we find a difference.
We can look at the Pharisees for example, or Nicodemus, whose source for view was the scriptures. Although this was a source of knowledge, not of application. The personal aspect of a God centered relationship was missing. The law was his motivation, not the spirit within. His worldview was one that hindered him from being able to accept the truth. For he knew Jesus was from God, only he did not equate the signs of Jesus to the Messiah, for his worldview was one of conquering Messiah. Not one of a suffering Messiah. So my point here is knowledge is in vain without a proper perspective and worldview inspired by application of the bible.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Whose Wise?
John 3:1 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews (ESV)
Nicodemus was not just a Pharisee, but a ruler of the Jews. This religious sect held great power in this time and ruled amongst the other Jews. Pharisee means: “One of a sect among the Jews, whose religion consisted in a strict observance of rites and ceremonies and of the traditions of the elders, and whose pretended holiness led them to separate themselves as a sect, considering themselves as more righteous than other Jews.” Pharisee in the Hebrew actually means to separate. I think we can learn this from the Pharisees. When one gains to much knowledge for their own good it can be dangerous. It can cause us to separate from others. We become bitter of heart, disgusted by the world and the unrighteousness of others. This state is not how the word has called us to live. This is not the wisdom we are called to walk in.
For “the lips of the wise spread knowledge, not so the hearts of fools.” The knowledge the Pharisees spread was not this, for they separated from the common class, thinking that the knowledge they had was to holy to be in the presence of the commonplace. We know this, “they tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on peoples shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.” The knowledge that the Pharisees imparted was burdensome. It was to keep the gap of separation, to make the average Jew feel worthless and set apart for failure. They preached condemnation, not conviction. “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.”
I have been convicted to examine what kind of knowledge I am imparting to those around me. Often times I find myself using the bible to tear apart what others say. To separate myself from them by the harsh things I lay on them. My belief, my worldview and perspective have been used to my determent. Instead of allowing these truths to give me compassion for others, I have hardened my heart and become annoyed at those around me. Also I feel my pride has grieved my Spirit and separated me from the still small voice of the Lord. I need to humble myself before the Lord, but remain confident in what God has called me to do, so that I might not hinder the Lord using my life to his glory
Today I will prayerfully read my bible for an hour.
Nicodemus was not just a Pharisee, but a ruler of the Jews. This religious sect held great power in this time and ruled amongst the other Jews. Pharisee means: “One of a sect among the Jews, whose religion consisted in a strict observance of rites and ceremonies and of the traditions of the elders, and whose pretended holiness led them to separate themselves as a sect, considering themselves as more righteous than other Jews.” Pharisee in the Hebrew actually means to separate. I think we can learn this from the Pharisees. When one gains to much knowledge for their own good it can be dangerous. It can cause us to separate from others. We become bitter of heart, disgusted by the world and the unrighteousness of others. This state is not how the word has called us to live. This is not the wisdom we are called to walk in.
For “the lips of the wise spread knowledge, not so the hearts of fools.” The knowledge the Pharisees spread was not this, for they separated from the common class, thinking that the knowledge they had was to holy to be in the presence of the commonplace. We know this, “they tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on peoples shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.” The knowledge that the Pharisees imparted was burdensome. It was to keep the gap of separation, to make the average Jew feel worthless and set apart for failure. They preached condemnation, not conviction. “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.”
I have been convicted to examine what kind of knowledge I am imparting to those around me. Often times I find myself using the bible to tear apart what others say. To separate myself from them by the harsh things I lay on them. My belief, my worldview and perspective have been used to my determent. Instead of allowing these truths to give me compassion for others, I have hardened my heart and become annoyed at those around me. Also I feel my pride has grieved my Spirit and separated me from the still small voice of the Lord. I need to humble myself before the Lord, but remain confident in what God has called me to do, so that I might not hinder the Lord using my life to his glory
Today I will prayerfully read my bible for an hour.
What's in Your Home?
Ephesians 6:8 Knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free. (ESV)
What will you receive back from the Lord. I think of this verse and I am reminded back to a proverb I read this morning. “Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death”. So one sure thing we will receive is deliverance from death. Now works are not what earn our salvation, but that does not mean we now stop doing a good work. On the flip side we know that riches will not uphold in the day of wrath. So what are you striving towards, are you storing up Gods wrath in your home, or are you storing up deliverance through the righteousness of your actions.
Now as far as day by day is concerned. Everyday spent in the Lords will, serving the Lord is a blessing. When we here blessing we think it means we are going to get riches, goods, or something to work in our favor. But often times before blessing comes persecution. I view this also as a blessing though. Knowing that God works all things together for the good of those who love him, trails and tribulations are to be counted as a blessing. “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” So what is the Lord blessing you with today? Cause he is in the business of shaping his children into the image of his Son. This happens one way, through brokenness, trials, tribulations, persecutions, affliction, sorrow, temptation and so on. So which one is it, praise God for these blessings.
Today I will praise the Lord for whatever trials come my way.
What will you receive back from the Lord. I think of this verse and I am reminded back to a proverb I read this morning. “Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death”. So one sure thing we will receive is deliverance from death. Now works are not what earn our salvation, but that does not mean we now stop doing a good work. On the flip side we know that riches will not uphold in the day of wrath. So what are you striving towards, are you storing up Gods wrath in your home, or are you storing up deliverance through the righteousness of your actions.
Now as far as day by day is concerned. Everyday spent in the Lords will, serving the Lord is a blessing. When we here blessing we think it means we are going to get riches, goods, or something to work in our favor. But often times before blessing comes persecution. I view this also as a blessing though. Knowing that God works all things together for the good of those who love him, trails and tribulations are to be counted as a blessing. “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” So what is the Lord blessing you with today? Cause he is in the business of shaping his children into the image of his Son. This happens one way, through brokenness, trials, tribulations, persecutions, affliction, sorrow, temptation and so on. So which one is it, praise God for these blessings.
Today I will praise the Lord for whatever trials come my way.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
What are you Building With?
Ephesians 6:7 rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man (ESV)
This verse brings me to the contrast of Lord and man. In this case there is a stark contrast, I am reminded back to what God said in 1 Samuel: “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” When we are doing a work for man we can expect that we will be judged on the final appearance of that work. But there is always more then the eye sees. Man looks at the job, and says yeah all looks well, good job. But the Lord looks on the inside and says my son, didn’t you mean to replace that. This is the way I see it.
When you remodel a house, bringing it to the original frame, you might find that the framework is rotten. Instead of replacing the rotted frame, you decide to take the shortcut. Knowing that the finished product will look the same regardless, and that this is the cheaper route. You see man might be ok with this, because he does not know what lays on the insides of the new walls. Or look at it this way. Maybe you are putting a new roof on your house. Again you remove the old shingles to find that the existing plywood is rotted out. Instead of replacing it, you take the shortcut, putting the new shingles on over the bad plywood. To the eye all is well. Job well done right? Only to find that one month later your new roof is already leaking. Or to find the sheet rock cracking cause the wood is warping beneath.
Now man might have accepted a work like this, until he found out what laid beneath. This is where man and God are similar. Neither one would want an inside that is rotten and unstable. You can live your life taking the shortcut. Doing a work halfway, just good enough to get the paycheck. Or you can live your life for the Lord. Tearing out the rotten insides, and building a new foundation. One that will stand strong. One that when the rains come, will not leak. One that when the Lord tests, it will stand strong. We should build as we are building upon the Lords foundation. As we see in 1 Corinthians 3: “Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” All our work is being built upon the foundation of Christ, what we choose to build with is in our hands. The bible says to be careful what we choose to build upon that foundation, for: “each one’s work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.”
We can build on that foundation with things that look good to man or things that please the Lord. The things that are of the world, will burn. The things that are of God will survive, and will receive a reward. So are you taking the shortcut? Is your spiritual life built around things that look good to man. Like going to church, going to bible study, attending every conference and motivational seminar that sweeps through your town. If this is the case, these things will burn. One day they will be no more. But what will last, is your character. A life that is consecrated before the Lord, a heart that is filled with joy and love, not with selfish ambition.
It might be time to do so demolition. To go back to the lumber yard and get the necessary items to do the job right. To confess your sins, to reveal the deep, dark things that are hidden within your heart, separating you from the presence of God. To put down the self help book and pick up your bible. From their we stand upon a firm foundation, Jesus Christ. That regardless the mistakes we have made while building upon it can always be torn back down to an everlasting source. A foundation that will never fail, that will never change. That’s is faithful even when we are faithless. All that is necessary is brokenness. This time we rebuild, taking no shortcuts. Removing every rotten thing and replacing it with the fruits of a new creation. For “anyone who is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
Today I will seek God for anything in my life that needs to be torn down. I will ask him to show me the truth that besets my current state.
This verse brings me to the contrast of Lord and man. In this case there is a stark contrast, I am reminded back to what God said in 1 Samuel: “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” When we are doing a work for man we can expect that we will be judged on the final appearance of that work. But there is always more then the eye sees. Man looks at the job, and says yeah all looks well, good job. But the Lord looks on the inside and says my son, didn’t you mean to replace that. This is the way I see it.
When you remodel a house, bringing it to the original frame, you might find that the framework is rotten. Instead of replacing the rotted frame, you decide to take the shortcut. Knowing that the finished product will look the same regardless, and that this is the cheaper route. You see man might be ok with this, because he does not know what lays on the insides of the new walls. Or look at it this way. Maybe you are putting a new roof on your house. Again you remove the old shingles to find that the existing plywood is rotted out. Instead of replacing it, you take the shortcut, putting the new shingles on over the bad plywood. To the eye all is well. Job well done right? Only to find that one month later your new roof is already leaking. Or to find the sheet rock cracking cause the wood is warping beneath.
Now man might have accepted a work like this, until he found out what laid beneath. This is where man and God are similar. Neither one would want an inside that is rotten and unstable. You can live your life taking the shortcut. Doing a work halfway, just good enough to get the paycheck. Or you can live your life for the Lord. Tearing out the rotten insides, and building a new foundation. One that will stand strong. One that when the rains come, will not leak. One that when the Lord tests, it will stand strong. We should build as we are building upon the Lords foundation. As we see in 1 Corinthians 3: “Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” All our work is being built upon the foundation of Christ, what we choose to build with is in our hands. The bible says to be careful what we choose to build upon that foundation, for: “each one’s work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.”
We can build on that foundation with things that look good to man or things that please the Lord. The things that are of the world, will burn. The things that are of God will survive, and will receive a reward. So are you taking the shortcut? Is your spiritual life built around things that look good to man. Like going to church, going to bible study, attending every conference and motivational seminar that sweeps through your town. If this is the case, these things will burn. One day they will be no more. But what will last, is your character. A life that is consecrated before the Lord, a heart that is filled with joy and love, not with selfish ambition.
It might be time to do so demolition. To go back to the lumber yard and get the necessary items to do the job right. To confess your sins, to reveal the deep, dark things that are hidden within your heart, separating you from the presence of God. To put down the self help book and pick up your bible. From their we stand upon a firm foundation, Jesus Christ. That regardless the mistakes we have made while building upon it can always be torn back down to an everlasting source. A foundation that will never fail, that will never change. That’s is faithful even when we are faithless. All that is necessary is brokenness. This time we rebuild, taking no shortcuts. Removing every rotten thing and replacing it with the fruits of a new creation. For “anyone who is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
Today I will seek God for anything in my life that needs to be torn down. I will ask him to show me the truth that besets my current state.
Don't Take It!
Ephesians 6:6 not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart (ESV)
Now we see Paul specifically address the reader to be a bondservant of Christ. Thus another piece of evidence to back my hypothesis that the term slave in verse five is not condoning the slavery this world misconstrues. Rather Paul is giving us a biblical worldview of the master-servant relationship. This verse has been one that has convicted me since the day I received Christ. Considering everything I did before I knew Christ, was to hold an appearance that would be accepted by those around me. I find myself in the ministry struggling with this same problem. Am I worried about the thoughts of those around me? Do I do what I do to seek praise from those around me? These are questions I have to constantly ask myself of. What are my motives for doing the things I do.
The more I live out this life of faith and the more begin to understand the love God has for his people, I begin to realize how empty and shallow the praise of man truly is. Working to please man, is a laborious task that reaps little reward. Usually at best you might receive a shallow praise. At any rate, what benefit is this? Congratulations, you have been noticed. Then what, off to the next task, to toil long and hard. And for what? Another shallow praise. Now I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a vicious cycle. Not to mention that fact that we were not created to be praised. You see, we were created to praise. To praise God and only him. When man receives the worship that was intended for God it’s a nasty thing. Look at the lives of so many celebrities. Miserable, addicted and for what? To die of an overdose or be buried and forgotten in a hundred years. Don’t allow yourself to receive the praise that was meant for God. You were not created to handle this kind of worship and in turn will see a life of self destruction play out.
“Doing the will of God from the heart.” There it is. Its one thing to know Gods will, its another thing to do it out of the right motive. I don’t really know if its possible to be in his will and to be doing it out of selfish ambition. I would have to say probably not. So although the work your doing may be were God has lead you, the condition of the heart is what makes or breaks it. God cannot be glorified in our grumbling or in our complaining. For what kind of servant loves his master yet despises the work he has placed before him. So praise the Lord from a joyful heart, and may his name be glorified and worshiped through your actions.
Today if I receive any praise I will point it God, giving him all the glory.
Now we see Paul specifically address the reader to be a bondservant of Christ. Thus another piece of evidence to back my hypothesis that the term slave in verse five is not condoning the slavery this world misconstrues. Rather Paul is giving us a biblical worldview of the master-servant relationship. This verse has been one that has convicted me since the day I received Christ. Considering everything I did before I knew Christ, was to hold an appearance that would be accepted by those around me. I find myself in the ministry struggling with this same problem. Am I worried about the thoughts of those around me? Do I do what I do to seek praise from those around me? These are questions I have to constantly ask myself of. What are my motives for doing the things I do.
The more I live out this life of faith and the more begin to understand the love God has for his people, I begin to realize how empty and shallow the praise of man truly is. Working to please man, is a laborious task that reaps little reward. Usually at best you might receive a shallow praise. At any rate, what benefit is this? Congratulations, you have been noticed. Then what, off to the next task, to toil long and hard. And for what? Another shallow praise. Now I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a vicious cycle. Not to mention that fact that we were not created to be praised. You see, we were created to praise. To praise God and only him. When man receives the worship that was intended for God it’s a nasty thing. Look at the lives of so many celebrities. Miserable, addicted and for what? To die of an overdose or be buried and forgotten in a hundred years. Don’t allow yourself to receive the praise that was meant for God. You were not created to handle this kind of worship and in turn will see a life of self destruction play out.
“Doing the will of God from the heart.” There it is. Its one thing to know Gods will, its another thing to do it out of the right motive. I don’t really know if its possible to be in his will and to be doing it out of selfish ambition. I would have to say probably not. So although the work your doing may be were God has lead you, the condition of the heart is what makes or breaks it. God cannot be glorified in our grumbling or in our complaining. For what kind of servant loves his master yet despises the work he has placed before him. So praise the Lord from a joyful heart, and may his name be glorified and worshiped through your actions.
Today if I receive any praise I will point it God, giving him all the glory.
Who's the Slave?
Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ (ESV)
This term slaves is translated bondservant in the Greek. This verse is addressing the master-servant relationship. Paul is writing this letter to the Ephesians, the same Paul that refers to himself as a bondservant of Christ Jesus in the book of Philippians. I know this verse can be controversial, being used to say that the bible condones slavery. The way I interpret this verse is very different. We are given much insight into the life of the author, Paul. A man who’s identity was one of a servant of Christ Jesus. He had an eternal perspective and was indebted to the service of Christ. I think this term slaves, is simply addressing the servants of Christ Jesus, me and you.
Taking that mind set this section of scripture applies to every believer, indebted to an earthly master or not, we all serve a heavenly master, Christ Jesus. And what is being said is that we should take that same mindset with our earthly masters, knowing that “there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” So how are we to obey our earthly masters? We are told with fear and trembling. “In scripture, fear is used to express a filial or a slavish passion. In good men, the fear of God is a holy awe or reverence of God and his laws, which springs from a just view and real love of the divine character, leading the subjects of it to hate and shun every thing that can offend such a holy being, and inclining them to aim at perfect obedience. This is filial fear.” We are not motivated by the fear of punishment. Knowing that we were created to bring glory to God, his name can not be glorified if we serve him out of a fear of punishment. But on the contrast Gods name is glorified when we serve him in love, out of a joyful heart. It is in this love that we find a Godly fear.
So how do we apply this to our earthly masters. Well I couldn’t have said it any better then this verse, “as you would Christ.” I am a firm believer that if you are doing your part to keep the vertical in check (the relationship between you and Christ), then the horizontal (your relationship with the things of this world) will be in alignment with a biblical worldview.
Secondly we do this with a sincere heart. “Being in reality what it appears to be; not feigned; not simulated; not assumed or said for the sake of appearance; real; not hypocritical or pretended.” This is crucial, without sincerity we might as well not even bother. In my life this is something that has taken a long time to get from my mind to my heart. It is only through Christ that I have been able to do so, and even then I have a long ways to go. Before I knew Christ the sincerity of what I did was next to none. In turn my pursuits were in vain, they were meaningless and quite honestly not rewarding. Today I have found meaning to what I do. Its all for the glory of God. Outside of this there is no meaning. From dust we came and to dust we shall return. Its been said you “gotta serve somebody”, if its not Christ your out of his will.
Today I will remember it is Christ I am serving as I got about to chores at Manna.
This term slaves is translated bondservant in the Greek. This verse is addressing the master-servant relationship. Paul is writing this letter to the Ephesians, the same Paul that refers to himself as a bondservant of Christ Jesus in the book of Philippians. I know this verse can be controversial, being used to say that the bible condones slavery. The way I interpret this verse is very different. We are given much insight into the life of the author, Paul. A man who’s identity was one of a servant of Christ Jesus. He had an eternal perspective and was indebted to the service of Christ. I think this term slaves, is simply addressing the servants of Christ Jesus, me and you.
Taking that mind set this section of scripture applies to every believer, indebted to an earthly master or not, we all serve a heavenly master, Christ Jesus. And what is being said is that we should take that same mindset with our earthly masters, knowing that “there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” So how are we to obey our earthly masters? We are told with fear and trembling. “In scripture, fear is used to express a filial or a slavish passion. In good men, the fear of God is a holy awe or reverence of God and his laws, which springs from a just view and real love of the divine character, leading the subjects of it to hate and shun every thing that can offend such a holy being, and inclining them to aim at perfect obedience. This is filial fear.” We are not motivated by the fear of punishment. Knowing that we were created to bring glory to God, his name can not be glorified if we serve him out of a fear of punishment. But on the contrast Gods name is glorified when we serve him in love, out of a joyful heart. It is in this love that we find a Godly fear.
So how do we apply this to our earthly masters. Well I couldn’t have said it any better then this verse, “as you would Christ.” I am a firm believer that if you are doing your part to keep the vertical in check (the relationship between you and Christ), then the horizontal (your relationship with the things of this world) will be in alignment with a biblical worldview.
Secondly we do this with a sincere heart. “Being in reality what it appears to be; not feigned; not simulated; not assumed or said for the sake of appearance; real; not hypocritical or pretended.” This is crucial, without sincerity we might as well not even bother. In my life this is something that has taken a long time to get from my mind to my heart. It is only through Christ that I have been able to do so, and even then I have a long ways to go. Before I knew Christ the sincerity of what I did was next to none. In turn my pursuits were in vain, they were meaningless and quite honestly not rewarding. Today I have found meaning to what I do. Its all for the glory of God. Outside of this there is no meaning. From dust we came and to dust we shall return. Its been said you “gotta serve somebody”, if its not Christ your out of his will.
Today I will remember it is Christ I am serving as I got about to chores at Manna.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Kenya Missions Update
Hey All,
I wanted to send out a quick update to those who are following my stay here in Kenya. I appreciate all the support and prayers of my followers. It has been a busy couple weeks since my arrival. We jumped right into it when we got here and it doesn't look like its going to slow down. I thank God for the group I am with as I know the Lord has prepared us for his ministry. Today I have a day off to rest. Here is an overview of what a normal week should look like (which by the way there wont be a normal week, the saying around here is TIA - This Is Africa.): Monday - free day, Tuesday - morning devotion at Manna Bible College and Home Fellowship in the night, Wednesday is bible study at the church, and Thursday will be a day for ministry in the slum most likely. Friday is another day of rest to prepare for Saturday kids club and worship practice at night, Sunday is church and possible youth events in the evening. With another kids program to launch in the coming months, lots of ministry opportunities and work to be done, this schedule is highly subject to change. Although its coming together nicely, as I have mentioned in the past we are setting up the Potters Field Ignite base here in Kenya so there was not much structure before arriving.
A little more detail about what we are doing. We are attending a church in Rongai, headed by Pastor George. The fellowship is very welcoming and has been a huge blessing and encouragement already. The Saturday kids program has around 120-150 kids that come on any given week. Personally i have committed to working with the teens 13 and up. There was about a group of 25 this last Saturday. I am very excited about this as I will be working with them on Sundays as well, building a relationship with them and growing together as we study the Word of God. We also help with teachings at the home fellowships, and bible studies. The home fellowship was a very African experience and was a blessing to see ministry take place in that setting, as I got to share the word.
We spent a day going through Kibera (the largest slum in Africa) and checked out a couple of the medical clinics. They were busy as you could imagine with over a million living in this slum. There are ministries that could use much assistance and volunteer work within the slum, as well as other local slums that we will be working in. My experience in Kibera was so fast paced its almost surreal, but I saw enough to know we have a blessed life. They sure were entertained as it started to rain and three "muzungos" (white people), were walking through the mud soaking wet. We had a real Kenyan experience is how Pastor George put it. The Kenyans are always apologizing that we are here in the country this time of the year, "its so cold they say", we just laugh and tell them how warm we are.
I am so blessed to be here, its humbling, encouraging, exciting and different all at the same time. I appreciate your prayers as I would not be able to do this without them. I could use prayer in the specific area of the teens ministry, that the Lord would equip me to reach into their world and connect with them. As a team, we need vision to make wise ministry decisions and that we may each listen to the voice of the Lord as he guides and directs.
Mungu Akubariki (God Bless You)
Austin Hiatt
I wanted to send out a quick update to those who are following my stay here in Kenya. I appreciate all the support and prayers of my followers. It has been a busy couple weeks since my arrival. We jumped right into it when we got here and it doesn't look like its going to slow down. I thank God for the group I am with as I know the Lord has prepared us for his ministry. Today I have a day off to rest. Here is an overview of what a normal week should look like (which by the way there wont be a normal week, the saying around here is TIA - This Is Africa.): Monday - free day, Tuesday - morning devotion at Manna Bible College and Home Fellowship in the night, Wednesday is bible study at the church, and Thursday will be a day for ministry in the slum most likely. Friday is another day of rest to prepare for Saturday kids club and worship practice at night, Sunday is church and possible youth events in the evening. With another kids program to launch in the coming months, lots of ministry opportunities and work to be done, this schedule is highly subject to change. Although its coming together nicely, as I have mentioned in the past we are setting up the Potters Field Ignite base here in Kenya so there was not much structure before arriving.
A little more detail about what we are doing. We are attending a church in Rongai, headed by Pastor George. The fellowship is very welcoming and has been a huge blessing and encouragement already. The Saturday kids program has around 120-150 kids that come on any given week. Personally i have committed to working with the teens 13 and up. There was about a group of 25 this last Saturday. I am very excited about this as I will be working with them on Sundays as well, building a relationship with them and growing together as we study the Word of God. We also help with teachings at the home fellowships, and bible studies. The home fellowship was a very African experience and was a blessing to see ministry take place in that setting, as I got to share the word.
We spent a day going through Kibera (the largest slum in Africa) and checked out a couple of the medical clinics. They were busy as you could imagine with over a million living in this slum. There are ministries that could use much assistance and volunteer work within the slum, as well as other local slums that we will be working in. My experience in Kibera was so fast paced its almost surreal, but I saw enough to know we have a blessed life. They sure were entertained as it started to rain and three "muzungos" (white people), were walking through the mud soaking wet. We had a real Kenyan experience is how Pastor George put it. The Kenyans are always apologizing that we are here in the country this time of the year, "its so cold they say", we just laugh and tell them how warm we are.
I am so blessed to be here, its humbling, encouraging, exciting and different all at the same time. I appreciate your prayers as I would not be able to do this without them. I could use prayer in the specific area of the teens ministry, that the Lord would equip me to reach into their world and connect with them. As a team, we need vision to make wise ministry decisions and that we may each listen to the voice of the Lord as he guides and directs.
Mungu Akubariki (God Bless You)
Austin Hiatt
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Teaching at Saturday Kids Club |
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Too Cute |
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Head bone connected to the Neck bone... |
Where is the Justice?
Matthew 18:6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. (ESV)
This is a very graphic illustration. Although being words from Jesus, I know this is an area God does not take lightly. We all know a sin is a sin is a sin in Gods eyes, but I think often times we drown out the justice and righteousness of God with his mercy and grace. The old testament is full of Gods justice and wrath being poured out upon the disobedient. We see the cycle of fallen man, sin, repent and fall back into sin again and the cycle continues on, even to this day. But one things does remain throughout, is Gods justice. The Lords commandments are just and he is only looking out for our good. Often we think he is trying to take away from us, but really the creator of the universe knows what will keep us safe, what will keep us pure and what will rob us of our joy in him. So I take the commandments of God seriously, don’t get me wrong, daily I fall short. But his word is powerful to me. Every word of it has meaning and was given to us for a purpose. That through it we might find eternal life, we might know the answers to the big questions we hear so often in life.
Coming to the end of this section in Matthew 18, I know God has expressed his heart for the children in these scriptures. To sum it up with this verse I think only drives the point home. We see his wrath expressed, I would call it a righteous anger towards one who might cause a child to stumble. This is not rage, this is justice. And I believe if when we read a verse like this and let Gods grace overpower his justice then we have missed the point. We have grace because we are fallen, its in our nature to stray away, but we do not have grace so we can continue on in sin. When God speaks to us, through his word, warning us of sin, we should allow the verse to make us uncomfortable. Remember the bible is to be looked at in context of Genesis to Revelation. Often when this is stated its brought up that, yeah we have grace in Christ. Which amen to that because its true. But so often we forget the justice and wrath as well. It’s a balance that cant be overlooked any longer. Without it we are lacking in our image of the character of God.
We have become weak in our faith, relaxed in our devotions and mock the grace of God by our day to day actions. Its time to put things back into context. Let the weight of Gods wrath sink in for a moment before you let his grace take it away. Because once you experience a taste of what we truly deserve, his grace will take on a whole new meaning. This is when are changed from the inside out. When we recognize what we deserve, and because we are freed from it, we are then filled with a joy to serve God. To be sanctified, to be pure and to be holy, as he was holy.
I write this just as guilty as the next person who may be reading it. I am not saying that I have not fallen into this mindset myself. Today I will take sometime to meditate on Gods righteousness, justice and wrath through the old testament scriptures
This is a very graphic illustration. Although being words from Jesus, I know this is an area God does not take lightly. We all know a sin is a sin is a sin in Gods eyes, but I think often times we drown out the justice and righteousness of God with his mercy and grace. The old testament is full of Gods justice and wrath being poured out upon the disobedient. We see the cycle of fallen man, sin, repent and fall back into sin again and the cycle continues on, even to this day. But one things does remain throughout, is Gods justice. The Lords commandments are just and he is only looking out for our good. Often we think he is trying to take away from us, but really the creator of the universe knows what will keep us safe, what will keep us pure and what will rob us of our joy in him. So I take the commandments of God seriously, don’t get me wrong, daily I fall short. But his word is powerful to me. Every word of it has meaning and was given to us for a purpose. That through it we might find eternal life, we might know the answers to the big questions we hear so often in life.
Coming to the end of this section in Matthew 18, I know God has expressed his heart for the children in these scriptures. To sum it up with this verse I think only drives the point home. We see his wrath expressed, I would call it a righteous anger towards one who might cause a child to stumble. This is not rage, this is justice. And I believe if when we read a verse like this and let Gods grace overpower his justice then we have missed the point. We have grace because we are fallen, its in our nature to stray away, but we do not have grace so we can continue on in sin. When God speaks to us, through his word, warning us of sin, we should allow the verse to make us uncomfortable. Remember the bible is to be looked at in context of Genesis to Revelation. Often when this is stated its brought up that, yeah we have grace in Christ. Which amen to that because its true. But so often we forget the justice and wrath as well. It’s a balance that cant be overlooked any longer. Without it we are lacking in our image of the character of God.
We have become weak in our faith, relaxed in our devotions and mock the grace of God by our day to day actions. Its time to put things back into context. Let the weight of Gods wrath sink in for a moment before you let his grace take it away. Because once you experience a taste of what we truly deserve, his grace will take on a whole new meaning. This is when are changed from the inside out. When we recognize what we deserve, and because we are freed from it, we are then filled with a joy to serve God. To be sanctified, to be pure and to be holy, as he was holy.
I write this just as guilty as the next person who may be reading it. I am not saying that I have not fallen into this mindset myself. Today I will take sometime to meditate on Gods righteousness, justice and wrath through the old testament scriptures
What about the Children?
Matthew 18:5 “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me” (ESV)
What a powerful verse. I know I have been guilty as writing the children off as not important. Although God is radically changing my view on that, and I think this verse about sums it up for me. To receive a child in Jesus’ name is to receive Christ himself. This is a very clear illustration of the heart of Christ. It would be like me to think differently then Christ, that is in my flesh anyways. I know the children’s ministry in the church has never been an area I have asked Christ to speak to me on. Its not that he hasn’t, its that I have never allowed him. Being that the ministry I am serving under has a heart for the children, for the youth of this generation, has allowed me to open my eyes and heart to the need of the young ones. My ministry to walk in for the next six months is specifically targeted towards the youth of Africa. I have really came into this experience with an open mind and God has given me a real heart to extend my soul to the children. As I have allowed this work to take place, its truly been a blessing.
Today I will take time to pray specifically for the children’s ministry and the kids we will minister to.
What a powerful verse. I know I have been guilty as writing the children off as not important. Although God is radically changing my view on that, and I think this verse about sums it up for me. To receive a child in Jesus’ name is to receive Christ himself. This is a very clear illustration of the heart of Christ. It would be like me to think differently then Christ, that is in my flesh anyways. I know the children’s ministry in the church has never been an area I have asked Christ to speak to me on. Its not that he hasn’t, its that I have never allowed him. Being that the ministry I am serving under has a heart for the children, for the youth of this generation, has allowed me to open my eyes and heart to the need of the young ones. My ministry to walk in for the next six months is specifically targeted towards the youth of Africa. I have really came into this experience with an open mind and God has given me a real heart to extend my soul to the children. As I have allowed this work to take place, its truly been a blessing.
Today I will take time to pray specifically for the children’s ministry and the kids we will minister to.
How Low Can you Go
Matthew 18:4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (ESV)
This verse is really speaking something to me. I have been blessed to watch the children interact in the church here in Rongai, Kenya. These young ones are like family, forced to grow up quick. They play hard and learn to hold their own at a young age, yet one things remains, the love of their brother and sister can not be compared to any love I have seen. These kids, still in their early years of 7 to 10, are carrying babies around and taking care of them as if they were their mother. And for what? They are not doing this to be seen by anyone, they are not doing this to receive some kind of praise, they are doing this out of a love that can only be explained by God. The self sacrifice, missing out on their childhood years of playing to watch after those who are not yet old enough to do so. This is such a selfless love, and is so humbling to see. We know love bears all things, this can mean to literally carry another’s burden or weight upon their own shoulders. I would say these kids get this, they do not do this out of obligation, cause I have seen plenty of young ones let to fend for themselves, but these ones who have reached out are truly humble. Not thinking of themselves, their own needs, what they might benefit from this, but a genuine concern for the well being of their loved ones.
If only I could be so humble, I know I could not say the same to be true in my own life. But what I can say is there is a lot to be learned from this selfless love these children demonstrate. I am honored to pour into their lives as they are such a witness by their actions and heart to nourish one another. I am honored to say that I get to serve next to these children, for they have truly shown me what it means to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
This verse is really speaking something to me. I have been blessed to watch the children interact in the church here in Rongai, Kenya. These young ones are like family, forced to grow up quick. They play hard and learn to hold their own at a young age, yet one things remains, the love of their brother and sister can not be compared to any love I have seen. These kids, still in their early years of 7 to 10, are carrying babies around and taking care of them as if they were their mother. And for what? They are not doing this to be seen by anyone, they are not doing this to receive some kind of praise, they are doing this out of a love that can only be explained by God. The self sacrifice, missing out on their childhood years of playing to watch after those who are not yet old enough to do so. This is such a selfless love, and is so humbling to see. We know love bears all things, this can mean to literally carry another’s burden or weight upon their own shoulders. I would say these kids get this, they do not do this out of obligation, cause I have seen plenty of young ones let to fend for themselves, but these ones who have reached out are truly humble. Not thinking of themselves, their own needs, what they might benefit from this, but a genuine concern for the well being of their loved ones.
If only I could be so humble, I know I could not say the same to be true in my own life. But what I can say is there is a lot to be learned from this selfless love these children demonstrate. I am honored to pour into their lives as they are such a witness by their actions and heart to nourish one another. I am honored to say that I get to serve next to these children, for they have truly shown me what it means to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Faith Like a Child
Matthew 18:3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (ESV)
What does it mean to turn and become like a child? I am always hearing have child like faith. To me it’s a little something like this. The gospel is simple enough that a child could understand it. The Christian life we live and faith we have in Christ is such that a child can walk it out. Yet we complicate it, over analyze, question it, bring legalism into it and ultimately become like the Pharisees. Who knew the word mind you, but did not live it, they had become hypocrites, “who clean the outside of the cup and plate, but inside they are full of greed and self indulgence.” So we are to stay like a child in our faith, to minimize corruption of our walk. The theology of the Christian faith is so simple, if only we could understand it like a child then we would be able to focus our time on the Lords work. Not none salvific issues that tear and divide the body of Christ. To have childlike faith is to take the word of God for what it is. Do not try and argue the truth or defy it with your limited logic. Believe it, live it, endure it.
Today I will be like a child. Believe the word and act on it.
What does it mean to turn and become like a child? I am always hearing have child like faith. To me it’s a little something like this. The gospel is simple enough that a child could understand it. The Christian life we live and faith we have in Christ is such that a child can walk it out. Yet we complicate it, over analyze, question it, bring legalism into it and ultimately become like the Pharisees. Who knew the word mind you, but did not live it, they had become hypocrites, “who clean the outside of the cup and plate, but inside they are full of greed and self indulgence.” So we are to stay like a child in our faith, to minimize corruption of our walk. The theology of the Christian faith is so simple, if only we could understand it like a child then we would be able to focus our time on the Lords work. Not none salvific issues that tear and divide the body of Christ. To have childlike faith is to take the word of God for what it is. Do not try and argue the truth or defy it with your limited logic. Believe it, live it, endure it.
Today I will be like a child. Believe the word and act on it.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
To Love a Child
Matthew 18:2 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them (ESV)
I wonder what was running through the disciples mind when Jesus responded to this question by calling a child over to them. We know the view the disciples had on children, we get insight into this view in Matthew 19:13, then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people. The disciples held the view that children were the least among the kingdom of heaven, at least one could draw that conclusion after they read this verse. I know for myself I can often feel the same way, that ministry can only take place on a level of a higher understanding then what a child is capable of understanding. I am then reminded of how smart a child actually is.
That at the earlier years of life they are able to retain information far more effectively then an adult. They are daily learning new things, experience new sights, smells, and so on. This is the perfect time to introduce the gospel to a child, the love of God. How much more will they remember that love. Having sensed that love at a young age is crucial for a kid. As they face the world, they will always have that truth, that foundation to stand upon. They will be faced with the lusts of the world, commonly mistaken for love. But God is no one to be compared with. His love compared to the fleeting lusts of this world is no match. That’s why showing this love, living and walking it out for the children to see will impact them for life. For when they are tempted in the flesh they might be satisfied for a moment, but then they will remember this is no match to the love of God. They only thing that can satisfy for an eternity. Taking this look at the precious life of a child, I am compelled and overjoyed to expand the love of God to the little ones of this world. For truly they are the next generation, they are the ones who will make a difference, who will impact the kingdom the most, the legacy must be passed on.
We know what we stand on is eternal life, a foundation that is no match for the shaken grounds of this earth. Christ’s love extended to me as a child is what brought me back to the truth in my ladder years. A decade of searching for a meaning of life, and yet nothing satisfied. Only this life poured out, surrendered have I found meaning and satisfaction that does not fade. Its more then an emotional high, it’s a faith that is by fact. Fact of a personal testimony and the inherent word of God, the most historically accurate and documented text known to man this day.
I will pray for the kids we minister to weekly and apply myself during the time we have with them.
I wonder what was running through the disciples mind when Jesus responded to this question by calling a child over to them. We know the view the disciples had on children, we get insight into this view in Matthew 19:13, then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people. The disciples held the view that children were the least among the kingdom of heaven, at least one could draw that conclusion after they read this verse. I know for myself I can often feel the same way, that ministry can only take place on a level of a higher understanding then what a child is capable of understanding. I am then reminded of how smart a child actually is.
That at the earlier years of life they are able to retain information far more effectively then an adult. They are daily learning new things, experience new sights, smells, and so on. This is the perfect time to introduce the gospel to a child, the love of God. How much more will they remember that love. Having sensed that love at a young age is crucial for a kid. As they face the world, they will always have that truth, that foundation to stand upon. They will be faced with the lusts of the world, commonly mistaken for love. But God is no one to be compared with. His love compared to the fleeting lusts of this world is no match. That’s why showing this love, living and walking it out for the children to see will impact them for life. For when they are tempted in the flesh they might be satisfied for a moment, but then they will remember this is no match to the love of God. They only thing that can satisfy for an eternity. Taking this look at the precious life of a child, I am compelled and overjoyed to expand the love of God to the little ones of this world. For truly they are the next generation, they are the ones who will make a difference, who will impact the kingdom the most, the legacy must be passed on.
We know what we stand on is eternal life, a foundation that is no match for the shaken grounds of this earth. Christ’s love extended to me as a child is what brought me back to the truth in my ladder years. A decade of searching for a meaning of life, and yet nothing satisfied. Only this life poured out, surrendered have I found meaning and satisfaction that does not fade. Its more then an emotional high, it’s a faith that is by fact. Fact of a personal testimony and the inherent word of God, the most historically accurate and documented text known to man this day.
I will pray for the kids we minister to weekly and apply myself during the time we have with them.
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