I was reading Psalm 119 this morning and came across verse 18, my prayer then became; “Lord, open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.” Little did I know what I was asking for, but sure enough He was faithful to quickly answer that prayer. I then continued my morning reading in the book of Habakkuk and what I began to read was nothing short of wondrous. Its important to remember that the Prophets of old were not popular by any means. Often they were threatened, mocked and persecuted for the message they delivered. It was a message contrary to culture and generally did not go over well with the people. Now I say this because when you ask the Lord to see as He sees, your going to receive a similar message.
What I saw this morning in Habakkuk was a conversation between a genuine man and the Lord that quickly resulted in change. I love any type of progression in the Scriptures, but today I couldn’t resist writing this one down. The first four verses of Habakkuk look a lot like most face book posts I see today.
“So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth.” Word it how you will, but the complaint remains the same, “why isn’t God doing something?” The Lord answers Habakkuk and gives him a glimpse of what is to come, the raising up of a
“bitter and hasty nation.”
I love Habakkuk for many reasons, but the most pertinent reason is that he is honest and real with God about where he stands. For that I have to give him credit, but what he says next is almost hard to read (I think what’s hard about this next text is it reminded me so much of myself). Habakkuk responds by giving an analysis of Gods answer. He starts off by challenging the Lord, asking if He has forgotten of His own character? And then proceeds to tell the Lord (as if it had slipped His mind) His created and intended purpose for the Chaldeans and the injustice of their present actions. In other words he is saying, Lord what you have just told me about the Chaldeans is not what you meant to say, I think this is what you meant to say.
Now as if that wasn’t enough, we get a glimpse at how spiritually prideful Habakkuk was. Being that he just gave a logical response to the Lord, one that in his eyes was more accurate and just, he prepares for the next “battle-round.”
“I will take my stand at my watch post and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint.” I cant help but laugh at the fallen nature of mankind in this verse. Go ahead throw the first stone, but at the end of the day you and I are no better then Habakkuk. I am actually willing to go to bat for Habakkuk because I can respect his genuine character, at least he is real with the Lord. His gaze was fixed upon himself. As we often find ourselves doing, he was already contemplating his next response before he received a reply. Not only that, but he talked of exalting himself to higher ground, as if by doing so he possessed the ability in his own strength to level himself with the Lord and see as He see’s. He placed himself on the same ball field as the Lord and that will never be true of mankind, even though the world screams equality.
The Lord answered Habakkuk and gave him a little behind the scenes look at what was really going on. What I love about progression in the scriptures is that the change we see is nothing short of wondrous. Habakkuk’s response this time is what brought me to the point of this writing in the first place. If you want to see the justice of the Lord in the midst of this twisted generation, man up like Habakkuk and ask Him to show you. For he is both Righteous and Just.
“God will not be mocked.” When He shows you, He will also instill in you a reverential fear of Him, that you might also say,
“in wrath remember mercy.” Don’t forget the might of the Lord, how in a moment, in the blink of an eye, He can do as He wills;
“The sun and the moon stood still in their place at the light of your arrows as they sped, at the flash of your glittering spear.”
If you are bold enough as Habakkuk, to take your complaints of the lack of justice before the Lord, be prepared to be shaken.
“I hear, and my body trembles; my lips quiver at the sound; rottenness enters into my bones; my legs tremble beneath me.” Habakkuk was anything short of shaken up by this interaction with the Lord, but he also came out seeing as the Lord sees. He knew where his strength came from. He now knew the only one who could take him to the high places. He now knew that
“the righteous shall live by his faith.” Fruit or no fruit, his trust was in the Lord, who knows all and sees all and is in control of all. One thing he knew, he was saved from eternal damnation and in that would he rejoice.
The name Habakkuk means “embrace”; to seize eagerly; to lay hold on; to receive or take that which is offered. This book is a beautiful illustration of what it looks like to embrace a relationship with the Living God. Habakkuk knew he had a right to relationship with the Lord and he fully embraced that right. The Spirit and the Bride say come to all who thirst and receive the water of life
without price (Revelation 22:17). Come freely! Habakkuk came freely, his only requirement was to come and of that command he fulfilled. Not only did he come, he embraced this invitation with passion and affection. When is the last time you got intimate with the Lord. Go and embrace him, for their he will answer you.