John 4:14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life (ESV)
I don’t think as Christians we need to do more, we just need to reconsider what we are already doing. Our Christian experience has conformed to our fast paced society; following we walk out of the pew with another thing to add to the to do list. I think it is time for a total makeover for we are in something of a spiritual crisis. We must seek first the kingdom, examining Gods will for this world and our part in it. At first this may require for us to do less and sit more; that is to sit at His feet. Not at the feet of our favorite Christian author, regardless of how anointed he may be, only One holds the words to eternal life (John 6:68). I am talking about a solitude known so well by the saints of old.
We have a daily meeting that should be reserved for a party of four, that is with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That we might enter boldly on behalf of Christ into the throne room of God, that there we would meet with the Spirit of Truth to be lead into all truth. To behold the Saviors love for us is to change that to do list into an already done one. How could it already be done you may ask?
To meet with the Author of the list is far more beneficial then to meet with the task of the list. For it is the Author that breathes life into the mundane. It is the Spirit that comes upon one in power (Acts 1:8) and it is the Father that awakens one to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (John 6:44), as we go and fulfill the great commission.
Christian have you have found yourself drinking from the wrong well? Whoever drinks of the water that I (Christ) will give him…this is a water made available to all and free to the one who would come and drink. Though it may be freely given its way is one lightly traveled for persecution is a promise (John 15:18). It was on Calvary that His persecution was manifest, but it was there He too died to make intercession on our behalf. There is no other road then the Calvary road. It looks like the road to death but is the only walked, proven and assured road to life. In a denial of self we shall find life in Christ (Mark 8:34-36).
Jesus wants to fill your well to overflowing capacities that you would not be able to contain it. There you have it, Evangelism 101 in its purest form. We need not busy our already busied lives down with another seminar on how to share the Gospel. We must just meet with the Author and Finisher of the Gospel. For then will the water (Word of God), take its natural course within you, becoming like a spring as it flows from off of you, offering eternal life to all that might drink.