What was it that compelled James to write these verses? Surely we can all agree that it was the Holy Spirit. Why James though? Why didn’t God choose another means to deliver this message? God had a specific purpose in using James and I think a deeper look into his life and one would agree in saying, who but James! We see drawn here a clear distinction between the wisdom of this world and the wisdom from above. We would be hard pressed to find a man more experienced in this matter. One could almost conclude that as James was writing this passage he had a specific people group in mind.
What we know about James is that he grew up in a culture infiltrated with Pharisees. This was a popular religious group of his day, that was zealous for their beliefs and went to extremes to make their passion known. They had great power and loved to demonstrate it by Lording their authority over those underneath them. They were well educated and to the natural man appeared to be full of wisdom.
When the Pharisees came into a room they loved to be noticed and make themselves known. They would go to great lengths to impress upon their followers, but there was One who would not be impressed. Rather he would reveal the their true colors and the selfish ambitions of their hearts. This One was Jesus, who they hated with a deep passion. Their jealousy towards Him would result in His death. The Pharisees did not have wisdom from above; rather theirs was earthly, unspiritual and demonic. Where the Pharisees were, disorder and every vile practice was sure to follow.
What we also know about James was that He was the half brother of Jesus. No doubt as he was writing these passage there was One on the forefront of his mind. James was humbled by the ministry of his own brother as he would choose to call himself a bondservant thereof. He witnessed first hand our Lord walking out the wisdom from above. James would be given the nick name “camel knees” because of the amount of time he spent on his knees, undoubtedly seeking out the once so tangible presence of his brother and confessed Lord.
James must have remembered the pureness of his brother, never uttering out a corrupt thought in the midst of a crooked people. The peace that must have radiated off of his brother as he handled all situations with meekness and gentleness. How many times must he have found his brother engaged in open face discussion, always operating in the fullness of mercy. James must have seen the sincerity of Jesus as He would pour out His life on behalf of twelve. James would previously write in chapter 2 on the subject of partiality, and surely our impartial Lord impacted him greatly as James must have watched him reach out to the poor, the crippled and the socially awkward of their day.
One thing we can know for sure about James is that he recognized this wisdom Jesus operated in was not of his own. James had seen enough worldly men to know there was something different about this one. His source must have been from outside of himself. It must have come from above, that is from the Father.
Maybe your like me and you realize you know all to well of the wisdom of this world. We would do well to turn from that evil as James turned from his. There was a day when James would have been ashamed to call Jesus his brother. But today he would say, if you lack in wisdom, come talk with my brother, cause His Father will give generously to all who ask of Him.