Monday, February 6, 2012

Walking in Freedom

Acts 3:10 And recognized him as the one who sat at the beautiful gate of the temple, asking for alms. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.  (ESV)

This verse speaks so true to me and where I am at in my life. The people in the temple, those who have seen him before, some maybe even daily as they entered and left, recognized him and immediately the change in his life. This reminds me of a few instances since I have received Christ into my heart, I have run into friends from the past life I lived. Knowing me before as a drug dealing, 140 pound kid who could barely keep his eyes open long enough to have a conversation. They couldn’t help but do a double take and see if I was really the same person. I know the clarity in my eyes and the peace about my surroundings spoke volumes to each one of them. As I reflect back on this I wonder if my life really reflects someone who is no longer bound by the chains of addiction, am I walking in the freedom Christ has already purchased for me. Or would it just appear that way to someone passing by. John 8:36, “So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Character to me is what you do when you know no one is watching you. When you are all alone, no one there to judge you. Now we all know God is present, but we also know how easy it is to push that truth aside for the time being. The point is to walk in the freedom Christ has called us to. Are we living up to that freedom only when there is a crowd gathered around us? Do we neglect to walk in that freedom in the deepest darkest moments when no when is watching.

Today I will Abhor what is evil, hold fast to what is good. In other words have an awareness of when no one is around, am I walking in freedom or have I settled for the lie Satan wants to bound me with.

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