Monday, March 19, 2012

The Suffering Messiah

Acts 1:6 So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” (ESV)

It would seem the restoration of Israel was of more importance to the apostles then the promised baptism of the Holy Spirit. I think we see an important lesson in the verse. At this time I believe there view of who Jesus was a little different then what the true character of God reveals about the son. The Pharisees and scribes had gone around filling the minds of the people that the Messiah would come, and be a conquering Messiah. Who would set up his kingdom here on earth, and become the ruler of all. Bring true peace and see a tangible form of heaven on earth established under his reign. But we know that this is not our savior. The Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, was a suffering servant who came to give us freedom from our bondage, to establish a heavenly kingdom. To kill off the law and bring back personal communion with God. I think this verse shows that the Apostles still viewed Jesus as an earthly ruler, who would reign amongst them in the physical form. The importance of the Holy Spirit I do not think registered, because they only knew Jesus as one who would establish his presence and power from the external. Not from within. The lesson is we so often shove to the side the true promise and character of God and look to our own idea of what his promise should look like in our life or how it should play out. We need to know our business is first and foremost with the Lord, then the earthly matters will play themselves out according to his will.

I need to examine myself and the view I hold on who Jesus is. Today I will take time to seek God and ask him to reveal to me the areas in my life where I place him second, and look to the world for the answer.

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