June 21, 2012:
I can’t believe its been a little over two months now that I have been in Kenya. Times is going very fast, although looking back on my time spent here I feel as though much has been done. We are busy daily, laboring in the word of God, learning, teaching and living out the great commission to “make disciples of all nations.” Personally I am honored and humbled at the ministry that is taking place. Its hard for me to accept that God has entrusted all that he has to me. But instead of wallowing in self pity it has challenged me to seek God that much more. I am compelled to press deep into his word, seeking him in prayer, looking to Him for direction and guidance. God has been faithful to empower me with His Spirit, as I take the next step he is right in front of me leading the way. I have seen God work in such a tangible way I can not deny his presence and hand in the work being done here in Kenya. The proverbs say, “The King’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.”
When I knew I was coming to Africa I started to seek God. I didn’t really know how to pray for coming here because I did not know what to expect upon coming. But God was faithful to give me his heart, to give me the desires of the work that he has prepared for me to walk in. I know he was laying upon my heart and equipping me to engage in discipleship. I love teaching with the masses, but He has made it so clear to me its about discipleship. As I go from school to school to teach, from church to church, class to class, outreach to outreach, I take everything we do very seriously. God has given me such a passion for those he has entrusted to me. I daily try and “walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which I have been called.” Knowing that I have been equipped, taken in as a disciple of God, and it is my responsibility to do the same. I have seriously taken the prayer of Jesus in John 17 to God the father as my own prayer for ministry in this season. “And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth” (John 17:19). Some days I grow weary of doing good, I want to give up and gratify the flesh, but then I am reminded of the honor to go before thousands of Kenyans each week and that fact allows me to press on in holiness. That I might not be a hypocrite as I teach my kids one thing, then walk out and do the opposite. Now don’t get me wrong, daily I fall short, but I genuinely try to be holy as Christ is holy.
Now I want to give you a glimpse into a normal week, that you might get a better understanding of what God has entrusted unto this ministry.
- Monday - Is day off from ministry, to rest and prepare for the week.
- Tuesday - 7:30-8:30am Devotions at Manna Bible College, 9:00-3:00pm Serving at Pastor Moses’ church in Otawala (physical labor and ministering at the K-3 grade school), 5:30-6:30pm Home fellowship in Rongai.
- Wednesday - 7:30-8:30am Devotions at Manna Bible College, 10:30-11:00am Teaching at Oloo Sirkon Primary School (K-8), back to Oloo Sirkon from 3:10-4:10pm for tutoring and more small group/personal time. 5:30-6:30pm We run a bible study teaching the Inductive Bible Study method to the church in Rongai.
- Thursday - 7:30-8:30am Devotions at Manna Bible College, 8:30-10:30am Grounds Keeping at Manna, 12:00-12:45pm teaching at Ongatta Rongai Primary (1-3), 1:00-1:30pm teaching at Nakeel Primary grades (K-8), 4:30-6:30pm Chapel at Nakeel Boys Secondary School, grades (9-12).
- Friday - Day off from ministry to prepare for the busy weekend.
- Saturday - Kids Club in Rongai 10:00-2:30pm, 2:30-3:30pm I have a kid Simon I meet with and have taken him in as my disciple, 4:00-5:30pm Nakeel Boys Secondary Discipleship with the Bible club leaders.
- Sunday - Church 10:00-1:00pm, Kids club in Otawala from 1:30-4:00pm
To give a deeper description of the specific groups I am working with and teachings I am doing, I will generalize the week. I work mainly with the teenagers, with the exception of one or two classes with younger ones when necessary. I am seriously seeking God as to how I can best equip the kids in the now four remaining months I have with them. My strategy is to give them a biblical worldview, knowing behavior stems from worldview. To give them a foundation in the word of God, helping them know that what they believe is true and where they can find that truth for themselves in the bible. I am telling them to be Bereans, “receive the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” Not to believe what someone has said because they are a teacher, preacher, or a mzungu (white person), but because God has personally spoken to them through his word. Also that they have the ability to be empowered with the Holy Spirit, to interpret and understand the thoughts of God as they accept and allow his Spirit to empower them.
I am teaching them practical ways to form a vision, to endure through focus, as Christ endured with one focus, the Cross. The principles of stewardship and responsible Christian living. Most importantly I want to show them that I am human, I am learning and growing with them. That I am here to make friendships, I tell them they are my disciples, and they have just as much to teach me as I learn from them. Whoever said ministry was a job hasn’t experienced real ministry. Although I do it all for the Glory of God, he still allows me to share in that blessing. It has come down to this. I recognize my role is simply to plant seeds, and be an example of Christ, living the Christian life together with them. Knowing that I am simply imparting seeds, I am convinced a foundation in the Word and a proper understanding of the Spirit will benefit them for a lifetime to come. Knowing God does the growth, I aim to get them to a proper understanding, so growth can take place.
I thank God for who he is and love because he first loved us! If you are keeping me in my prayers I am grateful, your support is apparent. A few things to keep in mind would be a continual empowerment of the Holy Spirit, guidance and driection from the Lord and for the fruits of the Spirit to be apparent in my life. That I might be a leader by example and not by word.
God Bless,
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Teaching at Nakeel Boys Secondary |
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Worship at OlooSirkon |
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Teaching at Otawala Kids Club. Look at those Bereans!! |
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