Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Man of Prayer Refined by a Heart of Anguish

    As of late the Lord has burdened my heart with the current condition and state of our Nation more then ever. It has only been in times of earnest prayer that I have been able to gain a healthy perspective on this matter. The darkness of our nation is a dangerous place for the believer lacking worldview. Without an intimate abiding and communion in the Light, this present darkness will overpower all else. But it is in times of fellowship, abiding and prayer that we gain the perspective needed. It is there we receive a glimpse of light. It is there when the things of this world begin to fade away, and all of sudden the things that once seemed impossible now seem possible in the presence of the Almighty. I am taken back by the overwhelming revelation of the one who is “mighty to save” (Isaiah 63:1). Who could stop all mankind in their tracks in this very moment, and bring upon all creation a keen awareness of the Spirit of Christ, drawing all to a place of being sold out for Jesus. Leaving behind all they know and following the one who knows all.

    The Lord has been speaking to me on this matter, through the life of Daniel. The character of Daniel is one that still cries out relevant today. Daniels life of burden, due to his many visions, was counteracted by a life of prayer. His burden would fuel his prayers. The burden kept him dependent upon God, for without insight, perspective and understanding it would seem to much to bear. What we must not fail to mention, and what I believe is our “ah-ha” moment, is Daniels devotion to his prayer life. For sake of illustration your in a prayer meeting and Daniel is in your midst. He spouts out a well balanced, beautifully piercing to the heart, masterpiece of a prayer. If you would have asked Daniel, “How long did it take you to prepare for that prayer?” His response would have been, “A lifetime.”

    We are told of Daniel right before the Lions den; “He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously (Daniel 6:10). He did not beautifully compose his latter prayer in the ninth chapter at random, this was not his first time praying. He was not following some formula or trying for the first time something he heard at last weekends seminar or pastors conference. That prayer was one cultivated over many years of devotion, heart-felt, Savior directed, bearing a sign of authenticity, humility and dependence. There is only one way to learn how to pray like that, and that is to abide in prayer all the days of your life. Not just the days when you are in the den, and a pack of lions are surrounding you. Or when that radical vision comes and your heart caves in. But everyday; through the good, the bad and the ugly. Then will it be said of you as was said of Daniel; “Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words” (Daniel 10:12). Oh that you might long for this to read…“Fear not, (Dear Reader), for from the first day that you…”

    My prayer for you is that the Lord might revive in you a spirit of prayer. One that comes with a heavy burden, that you might be fueled into a deeper communion and dependence upon the Savior of this world. That it would be because of your prayers we see the God of this universe shine in all His glory upon this desolate nation.

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