Friday, June 1, 2012

Perfect Harmony Amongst Diversity

1 Corinthians 3:6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth (ESV)

    Paul is recognizing in this verse the role Apollos and himself played in building up the church in Corinth. But simply said that was all they did, was played a role, the true growth came from God. We are but vessels used to impart the truth of the gospel that one might come to trust and believe. I relate this verse back to my own time in ministry. I think I would say its rewarding to see someone come to believe in Jesus Christ through the preaching of the word, better then that is to see the continued growth in someone, especially one that you are mentoring. Although around this time its very easy to start to think that you are the reason this growth is taking place. If it wasn’t for me this growth would not be happening, these people would not be giving their lives to Christ. Or because of the growth that I am the Lords anointed, he needs me to accomplish his work. For some reason this verse comes to mind, in reference to qualifications of an overseer “He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.”
    In my personal walk I have become very opinionated, or conceited, in the sense that I feel like most people just don’t understand things like I do. Like the way I view the Bible and biblical principles/truths is how every believer should view them. Placing the same importance on them and teaching them the same way I am. If it is another way then I feel this person just doesn’t get it. Truth is, I am very deceived, Satan is using the truth to deceive me. Just as he tried to deceive Jesus in the wilderness with Scriptures. Some are called to plant, and some are called to water. We are not all called to live by the same cookie cutter faith. There are foundational truths, doctrine and theology that should be the basis for all ministry, but as we build upon that foundation we will see much diversity. Just as our God is diverse, he has created each one of us in a unique way, with different passions and desires. As long as its biblical, it is growth from the Lord. I need to slow down and look at others in this way. Just because there ministry might be different then the vision I have, doesn’t mean their growth hasn’t come from the Lord. I realize I should be worried if everybody was the same, because that would be when we have shut out the leading of the Spirit, and followed the leading of man.
    Think of it like this, if MacArthur’s commentary was our leading source then bible studies would be pretty dry. If we all showed up with the same interpretation of the same portion of Scriptures, then I would have to question whether it was spirit lead or not. Gods word is “spiritually discerned” (1 Corin 2:14), keeping this variable in mind along with the fact no two people are the same, then we should be surprised if we don’t see diversity. Every person brings a different set of past and present personal experiences, maybe similar but not the same. Gods word is living, never changing, always has been. But what is changing is the reader, lead by the Spirit, to receive the words of God as intended.
    I think of the verse, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17). In the time of King Solomon, who wrote this verse, the process of Iron sharpening Iron was a lengthy process. When it came to making a sword, it would require being pounded out by an iron hammer, then an iron file would be used to create a razor edge, and lastly they would use another piece of iron stone to rub and lift the edge. So let us assume this, each one of us brings one piece to the group that would further the process of creating a usable functioning sword. So if we show up to bible study and our duty is to create this iron sword, but yet we all bring the iron hammer, at the end of this process we are going to be left with an edgeless dull blade. When we all bring MacArthur’s view on the same verse, we are all bringing only one component, the iron hammer. We are then left with a verse that has just been shaped, but not yet sharp enough to pierce through the surface. We can come each week, and just skim the surface, or we can each bring the proper piece, the piece the Spirit wants to equip us with, to give to us, that we might play our part in building up the body of Christ.
    I see the importance of diversity, the need for different ministries. Because to take things on a larger scale, from bible study to different ministries. Each ministry is going to come with one component needed to create that functioning sword. When the body is working in perfect harmony, we see complete and total diversity, yet perfect harmony. Just as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, operate in one accord, each with distinct differences in their functions.

I need to humble myself before the Lord. Today I will spend time praising God for who he is, putting things back into perspective.

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