Monday, May 7, 2012

How Low Can you Go

Matthew 18:4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (ESV)

    This verse is really speaking something to me. I have been blessed to watch the children interact in the church here in Rongai, Kenya. These young ones are like family, forced to grow up quick. They play hard and learn to hold their own at a young age, yet one things remains, the love of their brother and sister can not be compared to any love I have seen. These kids, still in their early years of 7 to 10, are carrying babies around and taking care of them as if they were their mother. And for what? They are not doing this to be seen by anyone, they are not doing this to receive some kind of praise, they are doing this out of a love that can only be explained by God. The self sacrifice, missing out on their childhood years of playing to watch after those who are not yet old enough to do so. This is such a selfless love, and is so humbling to see. We know love bears all things, this can mean to literally carry another’s burden or weight upon their own shoulders. I would say these kids get this, they do not do this out of obligation, cause I have seen plenty of young ones let to fend for themselves, but these ones who have reached out are truly humble. Not thinking of themselves, their own needs, what they might benefit from this, but a genuine concern for the well being of their loved ones.
    If only I could be so humble, I know I could not say the same to be true in my own life. But what I can say is there is a lot to be learned from this selfless love these children demonstrate. I am honored to pour into their lives as they are such a witness by their actions and heart to nourish one another. I am honored to say that I get to serve next to these children, for they have truly shown me what it means to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

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