Monday, March 19, 2012

Save it for Evangelism

Acts 1:7 He said to them, “it is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority” (ESV)

When I read this verse, it makes me think of when we ask God why would he allow for someone we know to be in such turmoil. Such suffering. God how could you allow this to happen to them? Little do we know that what God is going to do with that trial in their life, will change the lives of many others. To the one who is forgiven much loves much. We often question God during times of persecution, but how selfish are we.  We mock God, and rob the blessing he has for us to reach many through our hardships. It is not for us to know what Gods plan is and when we will come out the other side or when a trail will come. But it is for us to know that God is in control, his good and perfect will is being done even in our free will. Wrap your mind around that for a minute, and then come back and tell me why we should demand from God an answer of what he is doing. He is allowing us to have a say in what we do with our life, yet he still has the ultimate authority. Anyways, I could word free will a hundred different ways and I will never fully understand it. I just sit back and thank God that he does know the time and the season. How grateful should we be to surrender our rights to him and allow for the leading and guiding of his Spirit in our lives. We should sit back in awe that God knows the final outcome of  our life, let alone the entire world. So instead of trying to compete with God in a screaming match (by the way there is no comparison), save your voice for the spreading of the Gospel. That we have a God of order, who loves and cares for us and will come back for us in his time, all we should do is be obedient to what he has placed before us and leave the rest to him.


Today I will send this to someone who needs encouragement on unsaved loved ones.

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