Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sow and Reap

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.(ESV)

“Now if you could do that.” A famous quote often used by Pastor G. But I feel this is appropriate for this verse. To me this is a fundamental concept for one who is walking out the Christian faith. I believe once we are able to wrap our minds around this in a practical sense we will see fruit more abundantly. The abundant life will become tangible, and I don’t say this in the sense of finding your best life now on earth, but I am talking about the abundant life we find in the abiding of Gods word. Simply known as the “fruit of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience gentleness, kindness, faithfulness and self control.” We know that each one of these is not considered matured until there is some kind of physical or tangible action. I want this life yet I do not put in the work to get there. I ask God to do a work in my life but hardly do I ever want to do my part of the job. I want the reward without the work. I take the easy way out and in return I am left living an average life of faith. I give half of my will and expect it all back in return, when I have given God no reason to give me more. “One who is faithful in little is also faithful in much.” Love requires a choice, thus God has given us free will. I am done settling for the mundane. Newton’s three laws of motion can be related exactly to the sowing and reaping relationship. Law one states: “Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.” We must constantly seek after a filling of the Holy Spirit, we need an outside force (the Holy spirit) to compel a change of state. The third law states: “that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.” In other words, when we seek out to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to the measure we seek we will be filled. Or what we sow we will reap. For those of you practical thinkers who need to see it to believe it, bounce a ball and watch what happens…there you have it, its that simple.

Today I will set aside an extra half hour of my undivided devotion and seek the Lord for a renewing of the Holy Spirit.

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